Board of directors

Created in 1988 with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, CARTOON is run by Annick Maes with an Annual General Meeting and a Board of Directors composed of 11 European professionals in the animation industry. Christian Davin is CARTOON's current president.

Our previous presidents were:

  • Raoul SERVAIS (1988-1989)
  • Bruno BOZZETTO (1989-1990)
  • Bob BALSER (1990-2004)
  • Stefan THIES (2004-2008)

The Board of Directors is fully committed to ensuring the implementation of CARTOON’s sustainable development policy.

Chris­t­ian Davin


Marie Bro

Vice Pres­i­dent

Manuel Cristo­bal


Bruno Felix

Luis Almei­da

Heik­ki Jokinen

Pet­ter Lindblad

John Rice

Ste­fan Thies

Paul Thilt­ges

Kristin Ulseth

Anne-Sophie Van­holle­beke