12-14 Nov. 2025 Brus­sels

Cartoon Business

Find­ing togeth­er the best growth mod­els for and with animation

Car­toon Busi­ness is a top-lev­el sem­i­nar focus­ing on new busi­ness models

Based on case stud­ies and inter­na­tion­al experts’ advice

Car­toon Busi­ness will look into today’s mar­ket overview and finan­cial strate­gies for the ani­ma­tion industry


« It was prob­a­bly the most rel­e­vant and infor­ma­tive event I’ve attend­ed for the TV area. »

Eamon McEl­wee Absolute­ly Cuck­oo (Ire­land)