Pro­gramme 2025

Wednes­day 12 Novem­ber - At the NH Brus­sels EU Berlaymont

Arrival of the par­tic­i­pants - Job Day - One-to-one meet­ings - Busi­ness Clin­ic - Wel­come Dinner

Arrival of the participants

Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Bel­gian com­pa­nies to local Tal­ents at the NH Brus­sels EU Berlaymont

One-to-one meet­ings & Busi­ness Clinic

Wel­come Dinner

Thurs­day 13 Novem­ber - At Autoworld

Wel­come Words - Case study - Keynotes - Pan­el - Screen­ing - Lunch - Pan­els - Keynotes - Free Evening

Wel­come Words

Case study, keynotes & panel



Pan­els & keynotes

Free evening

Fri­day 14 Novem­ber - At Autoworld

Keynotes - Pan­els - Case study - Screen­ing - Lunch - Pan­el - Case study - Grand Finale - Final Words - Farewell Cocktail

Keynote, pan­els & case study



Case study & panel

Grand Finale

Final Words

Busi­ness Clinic

Farewell Cock­tail

  • Farewell Cock­tail at Autoworld