
Created in 1990, Cartoon Forum is a unique event focusing on pitching sessions of pre-selected TV projects, where animation producers can find cross-border partners and speed up financial arrangements.

It allows co-productions to be finalised, pre-buys to be agreed upon, distribution agreements to be negotiated, options on all types of rights to be discussed, and secondary rights to be licensed.

30 minutes to convince the buyers

The pitching sessions are the core element of Cartoon Forum; each project is presented in 30 minutes to all potential partners gathered in the same room.

The screening of trailers in front of all participants during the "Croissant & Coffee Shows" gives a taste of the projects and encourages people to attend the pitching sessions.

The human touch: the soul of Cartoon Forum

Around the sessions, Cartoon Forum creates golden networking opportunities: at the Welcome Dinner, the giant buffet lunches, and even on the dance floor during the Farewell Evening.

Business without stress!

A highly efficient formula

Since 1990, nearly 1,000 projects pitched at Cartoon Forum have secured their financing and are now in production or broadcasted worldwide.

On average, more than one out of three projects presented at Cartoon Forum secures financing and enters production.

Meet the buyers

Almost all European broadcasters and major media investment groups attend Cartoon Forum each year to get a sneak preview of the latest animation projects for television and to pick the future hits.

Which project can be pitched?

Producers can submit a TV project (series or TV special) in development, totalling at least 26 minutes:

  • beyond the concept stage, sufficiently polished and developed
  • and not yet with all the finance assembled

Check here the regulations or submit your project!

Who attends Cartoon Forum?

International animation professionals from the TV and new media industries

  • Broadcasters, distributors, investors, streamers, game companies...
  • Producers, authors, directors, studios, press…

European animation stronger thanks to Cartoon Forum

Created in 1990 with the support of the MEDIA Programme, Cartoon Forum has energised European animation by creating a true network of cross-border cooperation and by restoring confidence in the relationship between producers and broadcasters.

The results are considerable: European animation has become the leader in its own territory, the number of productions has dramatically increased, and export sales are the best of any in the European audiovisual sector.