Hap­py not Lucky

Calm and peace­ful Hap­py Fields farm. Two self-claimed kid detec­tives — black sheep Lu and black cat Teo are on the hunt for the new case despite bad luck and trou­bles hunt­ing them in return. Their cre­ative inves­ti­ga­tions might not give them the results they look for, yet the fun they have along the way is price­less. Even if they’re not always suc­cess­ful, they nev­er stop and always find a new mystery to solve. Our series explores in a light and fun­ny way the stereo­types hold against dif­fer­ent ani­mals in order to show that it doesn’t make sense to judge the book by its cov­er (or a sheep by its fur). If two kids dealing with bad luck and constant trou­bles can embrace who they are, so can we.