Cen­tre du Ciné­ma et de l’Au­dio­vi­suel de la Fédéra­tion Wallonie-Bruxelles

The main mission of the Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel is to support audiovisual creation and broadcasting in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, while encouraging the diversity of genres and audiences. The Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel supports every step of the process: writing, development, production, promotion and dissemination of audiovisual works of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation by focusing on the artistic, technical and cultural aspects of the projects examined. It also advises the Minister in charge of audiovisual matters on the basis of constant concertation with the stakeholders.

Meet their team at Car­toon Forum 2024!

Genevieve Kinet

Project Man­ag­er