
Download the Agenda (overview) of Cartoon Forum (TBC)

Mon­day 16 September

Arrival - Wel­come Dinner

Arrival of participants

Dur­ing the day

Wel­come Dinner

  • Wel­come Din­ner at Marché Vic­tor Hugo offered by the Mairie of Toulouse and Toulouse Métropole

Tues­day 17 September

Open­ing words & Crois­sant Show - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Lunch, Car­toon Trib­utes & Cof­fee Show - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Hap­py Hour - Free Evening

Open­ing words & Crois­sant Show

  • Open­ing Words
  • Crois­sant Show

Pitch­ing Sessions

Lunch, Car­toon Trib­utes & Cof­fee Show

  • Lunch Buf­fet at the Con­gress Center
  • Car­toon Trib­utes: Broad­cast­er of the Year
  • Cof­fee Show 

Pitch­ing Sessions

Hap­py Hour

  • Hap­py Hour Magelis

Free Evening

Wednes­day 18 September

Crois­sant Show - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Lunch, Car­toon Trib­utes & Cof­fee Show - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Hap­py Hour - Net­work­ing Evening

Crois­sant Show & Car­toon Tributes

  • Crois­sant Show
  • Car­toon Trib­utes: Investor of the Year

Pitch­ing Sessions

Lunch, Car­toon Trib­utes & Cof­fee Show

  • Lunch Buf­fet at the Con­gress Center
  • Car­toon Trib­utes: Pro­duc­er of the Year
  • Cof­fee Show

Pitch­ing Sessions

Hap­py Hour

  • Hap­py Hour Bologna Chil­dren’s Book Fair

Net­work­ing evening

  • offered by Région Occ­i­tanie, at Les Halles de la Cité

Thurs­day 19 September

Crois­sant Show - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Lunch & Award Cer­e­mo­ny - EBU Co-devel­op­ment Ini­tia­tive - Net­work­ing - Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Final Press Con­fer­ence - Farewell Cocktail

Crois­sant Show

  • Crois­sant Show 

Pitch­ing Sessions

Lunch & Award Ceremony

  • Lunch Buf­fet at the Con­gress Center
  • Award Cer­e­mo­ny Trib­utes 2024
  • 35 years anniversary

EBU Co-devel­op­ment Initiative

  • Pre­sen­ta­tion of the 2 projects select­ed in 2023 (Blue Room)

Net­work­ing Afternoon

  • One-to-one meet­ings with Pub­lish­ers & Ital­ian Producers

Final Press Conference

Farewell Cock­tail & Karaoke

  • Depar­ture from Place d’Ar­ménie (city cen­tre) and the Con­gress Cen­ter for Farewell Cock­tail & Karaoke at Manoir du Prince