Région Occ­i­tanie

Carole Delga © Laurent Boutonnet
Region has tal­ent • In the land of Occ­i­tanie, ani­ma­tion nev­er ceas­es to devel­op. Every year, there are region­al pro­duc­tions at major fes­ti­vals, com­pet­ing for pres­ti­gious awards. The pub­lic can also dis­cov­er these pro­duc­tions on all media: tele­vi­sion of course, but also cin­e­ma, not to men­tion the inter­net with edu­ca­tion­al plat­forms for the lit­tle ones or series for young adults, who are fond of these new formats.” Car­ole Delga • Pres­i­dent of the Occ­i­tanie Region

The Occitanie Region aims to strengthen the film industry and the cultural dynamics on its territory. The Region supports filmmakers by providing financial assistance for development and production and offers supports to film festival and film markets. This approach also includes a film education program, as well as a support to film heritage through the Cinémathèque de Toulouse and the Jean Vigo Institute.

Projects supported by Région Occitanie at Cartoon Forum 2024

Ani­mals in a Nut­shell / La sci­ence toutes bêtes

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Films D’I­ci Méditer­ranée (France), co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Les Films D’I­ci (France)

Our Lil’ Adven­tures / Nos p’tites aventures

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Xbo films (France)

Meet their team at Car­toon Forum!

Benoit Caron

Head of the Cre­ative Indus­tries Department