Bor­deaux Métropole

Car­toon Movie stands as a remark­able Euro­pean show­case of cross-fer­til­iza­tion among cul­tur­al and cre­ative industries.” Chris­tine Bost

With more han 815 000 inhabitants spread over 28 municipalities, Bordeaux Metropole is located in the New Aquitaine region. For several years, it has enjoyed a strong attractiveness thanks to a strong economic development, numerous investments int he field of mobility, sustainable development and the organization of international events. Bordeaux Metropole is committed to the energy transition of its territory and the improvement of the living environment of its inhabitants. Numerous projects in the areas of transportation (construction of the Simone Veil bridge, soft mobility, etc.), greening (Operation "1 million trees"), hosting major events (Rugby World Cup 2023, Olympic Football Games 2024), solidarity (social actions, international and local cooperation), and the economy (support of local businesses, development operations) are already being implemented.

Bor­deaux Métro­pole - Car­toon Movie 2025

Projects produced or co-produced by studios based in Bordeaux at Cartoon Movie 2025

Absolute Sur­ren­der

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sun Crea­ture France (France) / Bright­star (UK)

All the Soft­ness in the World

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Valseurs (France)

If I Die

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par MIDRAL­GAR (France)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Esther Vital (Spain) / O Par (Brazil)

The Twi­light World

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Psy­op Media Com­pa­ny Ger­many (Ger­many) / Sun Crea­ture France (France)

Meet their team at Car­toon Movie 2025!

Stéphane Peyri­chou

Direc­tor Gen­er­al of Eco­nom­ic Development
Bor­deaux Métropole

Jean-Luc Pizivin

Head of Growth and Transitions
Bor­deaux Métropole

Aurélien Binet

Dig­i­tal Ecosys­tems / Cul­tur­al and Cre­ative Indus­tries Project Manager
Bor­deaux Métropole