“The European animation industry has become a vibrant and dynamic force on the global stage, celebrated for its cultural diversity and innovative storytelling. Events like Cartoon Movie play a critical role in fostering this growth, serving as a hub for collaboration, exchanges, and creative breakthroughs. […]” Lucia Recalde Deputy Director, Head of Unit “Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes”
"[...] Animation thrives in Europe by embracing cutting-edge technologies and addressing evolving audience demands. Once primarily aimed at children, animated content now captivates audiences of all ages worldwide. It promotes crossovers to other creative sectors, from music to videogames, opening up new opportunities for intellectual property exploitation and merchandising. It also plays a key role in enhancing immersive experiences, ensuring that European animation remains at the forefront of both technological and creative advancements.
With the support of Creative Europe MEDIA, Cartoon Movie brings together the best European talent alongside producers, investors, sales companies, and broadcasters, thereby supporting the grow and competitiveness of the animation sector. It not only allows animation professionals to present their projects and secure investment deals, but also strengthens the industry as a whole, enabling European coproductions to compete effectively in the global market. As a driving force for innovation, cooperation, and excellence, Cartoon Movie continues to shape a bold future for European animation coproductions —one that inspires audiences worldwide."
The MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme supports the European film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote European works, taking into account today’s digital environment.
In addition it
- encourages cooperation across the value chain of the audiovisual industry and at EU level in order to scale up enterprises and European content globally
- nurtures talents – wherever they come from – and facilitates knowledge-sharing
- supports innovative solutions to meet the market demands and trends
- engages with audiences of all ages, especially the younger generations