France Télévi­sions

Car­toon Movie is like Car­toon Forum, a unique event of exchanges around the cre­ativ­i­ty of Euro­peans. The rich­ness and diver­si­ty of the cul­tures that make up Europe is expressed here in a unique exhi­bi­tion space. The syn­er­gy of gen­res has also been expressed in recent years with oth­er indus­tries such as pub­lish­ing, video games…a guar­an­tee of creativity’s dynamism. France Télévi­sions is proud to be asso­ci­at­ed with this 27th edi­tion and for the next three years with this essen­tial Euro­pean event for cre­ativ­i­ty and pro­duc­tions of Euro­pean ani­mat­ed films.” Pierre Sir­a­cusa Ani­ma­tion & Young Audi­ence Director

France Télévisions is the leading animation curator in Europe with more than 15 series and 3 animated films produced each year by independent French studios.

France Télévisions is the first clear partner of French cinema, supporting creators and putting cinema at the heart of its cultural ambition. All year long, we offer a wide selection of films on our antennas and our platform that are both eclectic and demanding, and we convey to all audiences the desire to go to the dark rooms.

Major partner of French cinema and first funding agency, France Télévisions supports all forms of creation through its programs. With 60 films co-produced each year, more than 60 million euros are invested in film creation. It is also 45 to 50 partnerships to support the films at the time of their release.

With 400 films broadcast each year, France Télévisions offers works for all audiences on all its channels, and the platform completes this offer with 200 works available free of charge in free and legal streaming. Thriller, sagas, comedies, romantic comedies, animation, real cinema, there is something for everyone.

Meet their team at Car­toon Movie 2025!

Pierre Sir­a­cusa

Ani­ma­tion & Young Audi­ence Director

Joseph Jacquet

R&D Ani­ma­tion Manager

Jean-Bap­tiste Lamotte

Head of Kids 6/12 Animation