Car­toon Movie 2025: Highlights

Cartoon Movie was again the opportunity to feel the pulse of European animation, an industry known for its diversity in graphic styles and high creativity. This year, we have noticed a significant attraction of animation projects towards a broad spectrum of genres as adventure, comedy, drama, documentaries, fantasy, sci-fi while inclusion, gender equity and sustainability are amongst the topics to be mentioned.

55 projects of feature movies from 16 European countries were presented this year. The lineup is spearheaded by France with 19 projects, followed by Germany (6), Norway (5) and Spain (4), while Belgium, Czechia, Ireland and Latvia participate with three films each. Wrapping up the list is Finland with two projects, while Denmark, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Armenia (the latter non-EU Participating Country in the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme) participate with one project each. Led by Czechia and Latvia – country to which Cartoon Movie is dedicating its spotlight this year - with three projects each, the CEE countries account for 10 feature film projects, whereas the Nordic countries participate with 8 works.


Only projects in Development & in Production
1. Lou and the Glacier's Secret - Gao Shan Pictures (France), Cine 3D (Switzerland), Need Productions (Belgium)
2. Hyacinthe - Wrong Men (Belgium) & Foliascope (France), Likaon WJT (Poland)
3. Bergeronnette - Miyu Productions (France)
3. Rose and the Marmots - Les Films du Tambour de Soie (France), WeJustKids (France), Graffiti Film (Italy), Ocidental Filmes (Portugal)
4. Absolute Surrender - Sun Creature France (France) & Brightstar (UK)
4. The Dreamed Journey of Alpha Two - Les Contes Modernes (France)
5. Black Wolf - Czar Film & TV (Belgium), Special Touch Studios (France)
6. Mu Yi and the Handsome General - Studio La Cachette (France)
7. Brume - Folivari (France)
8. Skip - Ulysses Filmproduktion (Germany)
9. Nessie Junior - FFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg (Germany)
10. Désert - Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée (France), Tchack (France)
11. My Dad the Truck - Sultana Films (Spain), Sacrebleu Productions (France), Pez Dorado Animaciones (Colombia)
12. Mikisoq - Fleng Entertainment (Denmark), Nordic Drama Queens Denmark (Denmark), Mandoverbord (Denmark)
12. Prudence - Everybody on Deck (France), Je Suis Bien Content (France)
13. Born in the Jungle - Atom Art (Latvia), Letko (Poland), Hausboot (Czechia)
13. Cut and Run - Blue Spirit Productions (France)
14. The Last Whale Singer - Telescope Animation (Germany), PFX (Czechia), La Boîte à Fanny (Canada)
15. Timelessness - Hausboot (Czechia), Les Films du Cygne (France)


1. Lou and the Glacier's Secret - Gao Shan Pictures (France), Cine 3D (Switzerland), Need Productions (Belgium)
2. Hyacinthe - Wrong Men (Belgium) & Foliascope (France), Likaon WJT (Poland)
3. Rose and the Marmots - Les Films du Tambour de Soie (France), WeJustKids (France), Graffiti Film (Italy), Ocidental Filmes (Portugal)
4. Black Wolf - Czar Film & TV (Belgium), Special Touch Studios (France)
5. My Dad the Truck - Sultana Films (Spain), Sacrebleu Productions (France), Pez Dorado Animaciones (Colombia)
6. Faya - Journey to Freedom - Submarine Animation (Netherlands), Special Touch Studios (France)
7. The Last Whale Singer - Telescope Animation (Germany), PFX (Czechia), La Boîte à Fanny (Canada)
8. Born in the Jungle - Atom Art (Latvia), Letko (Poland), Hausboot (Czechia)
9. Timelessness - Hausboot (Czechia), Les Films du Cygne (France)
10. Condenaditos - Studio Seufz (Germany), Ikki Films (France)



Spot­light on Latvia. Promis­ing and acclaimed Lat­vian film­mak­ers are pitch­ing their new films on the glob­al ani­ma­tion stage: Born in the jun­gle” by Edmunds Jan­sons (Atom Art), Karmic Knot” by Signe Bau­mane (Stu­dio Loco­mo­tive), and The North­ern Star” by Kārlis Vītols (Studi­ja Kok­les). Lat­vian ani­ma­tion high­lights the blend of sto­ry­telling, strong char­ac­ters, and ani­ma­tion tra­di­tion. From cap­ti­vat­ing tales for chil­dren to thought-pro­vok­ing works for adults, Latvia is at the forefront!

Projects from the ter­ri­to­ry. After the arrival of Car­toon Movie in Bor­deaux in 2017, region­al ani­ma­tion has reached new peaks as shown by the promi­nent role played by the Nou­velle-Aquitaine in the line­up, with 7 projects pro­duced or co-pro­duced by region­al stu­dios. 6 new projects sup­port­ed by the Nou­velle-Aquitaine Region will be pre­sent­ed in the event: The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two” from Les Con­tes Mod­ernes, If I Die” from MIDRAL­GAR, All the Soft­ness in the World” from Les Valseurs, Berg­eron­nette” from Miyu Pro­duc­tions, Absolute Sur­ren­der” from Sun Crea­ture and Trea­sure Island” from Je Suis Bien Con­tent. 4 are in pro­duc­tion (or co-pro­duc­tion) with stu­dios based in Bor­deaux: The Twi­light World” (in co-pro­duc­tion with Sun Crea­ture), Absolute Sur­ren­der” (Sun Crea­ture), If I Die” (MIDRAL­GAR) and All the Soft­ness in the World” (in co-pro­duc­tion with Les Valseurs Bor­deaux). 2 involve region­al authors or co-authors: The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two” (co-writ­ten by Alpha Kaba and Christophe Erbes) and Trea­sure Island” (writ­ten by Vin­cent Paron­naud aka Win­sh­luss). 1 project is sup­port­ed by the Départe­ment Char­ente: The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two” (Les Con­tes Modernes).

Sea­soned direc­tors such as Reza Memari (“The Last Whale Singer”), Kajsa Næss (“How to Deal with Shat­ter­ing Geists”), Wern­er Her­zog (“The Twi­light World”), Will Sharpe (“Absolute Sur­ren­der”) or Antoine Lan­ci­aux (“Song­birds’ Secret”), among oth­ers, were pitch­ing their project at the event.

Adult ani­ma­tion keeps gain­ing ground. Regard­ing tar­get groups, films aimed at Young Adults/​Adults have risen from 18% to 31% year-on-year (16 projects), a first at Car­toon Movie! Faya - Jour­ney to Free­dom” telling the sto­ry of an anti-colo­nial­ist writer impris­oned in Suri­name, Pru­dence”, a sci-fi hor­ror movie or Zako”, giv­ing life to the sto­ry of an artist in a war con­text, among others.

Upcom­ing tal­ent. The Coach­ing Pro­gramme stands as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents to learn more about the sec­tor, its oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges and how to bet­ter set­tle in. This year, about 80 stu­dents and teach­ers attend­ed the Coach­ing Pro­gramme, from 14 schools. The par­tic­i­pants had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be part of a net­work­ing activ­i­ty, the Job Fair, that allows them to present their work to pro­fes­sion­als, get feed­back and pos­si­bly find an intern­ship or a first job in the indus­try. They also had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend mas­ter­class­es from top-notch professionals!

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Bare­ly half of the select­ed projects (45%) such as Short Sto­ries about Love and Space” by Anca Dami­an, Mik­isoq” by Mette Rank Tange, The Axolotls” by Fil­ip Poši­vač or Pru­dence” by Jérémie Hoa­rau, have imple­ment­ed some elements/​procedures towards sus­tain­abil­i­ty, in line with CAR­TOON sus­tain­able com­mit­ment. After obtain­ing the ISO 20121 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, CAR­TOON remains com­mit­ted to strength­en­ing sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic growth, min­imis­ing its envi­ron­men­tal impact, pro­mot­ing inclu­siv­i­ty, and set­ting an exam­ple for the industry.


The main partners of Cartoon Movie are Creative Europe - MEDIA, CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée), Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, Bordeaux Métropole, Pôle Image Magelis and France Télévisions.


Cartoon Movie 2026 will take place from 3 to 5 March in Bordeaux.


Cartoon Movie aims at helping producers to speed up financing, find co-producers and attract interest from international distributors. Since its creation in 1999, 487 films found financing, representing a total budget of 3.2 billion EUR.