Pôle Image Magelis

In the dif­fi­cult and uncer­tain con­text that ani­ma­tion pro­fes­sion­als are going through, we would like to remind them that Mage­lis remains a loy­al part­ner to help them devel­op their projects. All the com­mu­ni­ties that par­tic­i­pate in it, the Depart­ment of Char­ente, the Nou­velle-Aquitaine Region, the Agglom­er­a­tion of Gran­dAn­goulême and the city of Angoulême main­tain their sup­port in 2025. We are doing every­thing we can to ensure that tal­ents flour­ish, that projects are car­ried out and that busi­ness­es can prosper.” Patrick Mardikian, pres­i­dent of Magelis

With over 200 organisations specializing in visual media, including 50 animation-VFX and video game studios, more than 300 comic book authors, a campus with 15 flagship schools, over 2,000 students and 40 courses, Magelis has built a strong ecosystem dedicated to creation and innovation in the image and sound sectors. It has established itself in a dominant position in the international environment. Backed by its network and its experience, Magelis organises professional events, undertakes urban development necessary for the establishment of businesses and schools, and implements cooperation tools to coordinate the entire network.

Angoulême is second only to Paris as a centre for animation production in France. The largest French studios have established themselves in the Charente region within the Magelis ecosystem. They employ animation professionals from all over the world to work continuously on some of the world's most prestigious and renowned feature films, TV series, and short films. With more than 1,500 jobs in animation and the most well-endowed production support fund in France, Angoulême is a stronghold of French visual arts production.

Pôle Image Mage­lis - Anim 2025

Project supported by the Department Charente at Cartoon Movie 2025

The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Con­tes Mod­ernes (France)

Meet their team at Car­toon Movie 2025!

Frédéric Cros

Gen­er­al Manager

David Beau­val­let

Head of Mar­ket­ing and Communication

Elodie Jacob-Juin

Mar­ket­ing & Communication
Pôle Image Magelis