Eurim­ages Co-pro­duc­tion Devel­op­ment Award

Eurim­ages is the cul­tur­al sup­port fund of the Coun­cil of Europe. Estab­lished in 1989, it cur­rent­ly num­bers 38 of the 46 mem­ber states of the Stras­bourg-based organ­i­sa­tion, plus Cana­da. Eurim­ages pro­motes inde­pen­dent film­mak­ing by pro­vid­ing finan­cial sup­port to fea­ture-length fiction, ani­ma­tion and doc­u­men­tary films. In doing so, it encour­ages co-oper­a­tion between pro­fes­sion­als estab­lished in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. Eurim­ages has a total annu­al bud­get of approx­i­mate­ly 30M€.

The Council of Europe’s Eurimages Fund has joined forces with nine co-production markets from all over the world – and Cartoon Movie is one of them again this year – in order to award the Eurimages Co-production Development Award (CPDA). This cash prize of 20,000 has been created to promote the Fund’s role in encouraging international co-productions animations from the initial stages of a project.

The project should be conceived as an international co-production intended for cinema release. The award will be granted to the applicant, which must be an independent production company based in a Eurimages member State having creative control of the project and with the majority participation in the development financing.

The applicant must have the intention of involving at least one other producer from a different Eurimages member State in the co-production. The award, which takes the form of a non-reimbursable subsidy, must be used to cover development expenses of the project.

The winner of the Eurimages Co-production Development Award for Cartoon Movie 2025 is:

"Zako" by Tigran Arakelyan

Produced by OnOff Studio (Armenia), in collaboration with Sacrebleu Productions (France)

Projects nominated by Eurimages for Cartoon Movie 2025!

Basia and a Dog­gy Summer

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Gru­pa Smacznego / GS Ani­ma­tion (Poland)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Folias­cope (France) / ART SHOT (Lithua­nia)

Black Wolf

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Czar Film & TV (Bel­gium)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Spe­cial Touch Stu­dios (France)

Cocobanana and the Dinosaur Hunt

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Den siste skilling (Nor­way)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Knud­sen Pic­tures (Ger­many) / Seru Ani­ma­tion GmbH & Co (Ger­many)


(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Stu­dio Seufz (Ger­many)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Ikki Films (France)

Faya - Jour­ney to Freedom

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sub­ma­rine Ani­ma­tion (Nether­lands)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Spe­cial Touch Stu­dios (France)

Hug­inn & Muninn

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Fenomen (Nor­way)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Bio­naut (Czechia)


(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Wrong Men (Bel­gium) / Folias­cope (France)

Lou and the Glac­i­er’s Secret

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Gao Shan Pic­tures (France)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Cine 3D (Switzer­land) / Need Pro­duc­tions (Bel­gium)

My Dad the Truck

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sul­tana Films (Spain)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sacre­bleu (France) / Pez Dora­do Ani­ma­ciones (Colom­bia)

Rose and the Marmots

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Films du Tam­bour de Soie (France)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par WeJustKids (France) / Graf­fi­ti Film (Italy) / Oci­den­tal Filmes (Por­tu­gal)

The Axolotls

(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Bio­naut (Czechia)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Fenomen (Nor­way)


(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Haus­boot (Czechia)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Films du Cygne (France)


(In devel­op­ment)

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par OnOff Stu­dio LLC (Arme­nia)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sacre­bleu Pro­duc­tions (France)

Meet their jury at Car­toon Movie 2025!

Noé­mi Kahn

Coop­er­a­tion Co-pro­duc­tion and Fran­coph­o­nie Project Manager

Pas­cale Dillemann

Man­ag­er Partner
Under the Milky Way

Mika Sil­ta­la

Cin­e­ma Mondo

Previous winners

Listed below are the projects that have been awarded since the beginning of the Eurimages Co-production Development Award in 2018.


"Pesta" by Hanne Berkaak

Produced by Mikrofilm (Norway), in collaboration with Xilam Films (France) & Knudsen Pictures (Germany)


"I'm Still Alive"

Produced by by MAD Entertainment (Italy), Lucky Red (Italy), SIPUR (Israel) & Gapbusters (Bel­gium)



Produced by Need Productions (Belgium), co-produced by Creative Touch Studios (France) & Special Touch Studios (France)



Produced by Autour de Minuit (France), co-produced by Panique! (Belgium) & Schmuby (France)



Produced by Anima Vitae (Finland), co-produced by Anima Vitae Point (Malaysia), Animoon (Poland), Godo Films (France) & Parka Pictures (Denmark)


“Of Unwanted Things and People”

Produced by MAUR Film (Czech Republic), co-produced by Artichoke (Slovakia), ZVVIKS (Slovenia) & WJTeam/Likaon (Poland)



Produced by Visual Distractions (Germany), co-produced by Beast Animation (Belgium)