Région Nou­velle-Aquitaine

Our Car­toon Val­ley even more cre­ative! In the chaos of the world in which we live, the Unit­ed States, Europe and France are emerg­ing from elec­tion cam­paigns in which the far right seems to be mak­ing inex­orable progress, with its share of real threats to our pub­lic free­doms and Cul­ture… So, in this chaos, let’s rejoice in being brought togeth­er in the place of har­mo­ny that is Car­toon Movie, where ani­mat­ed cin­e­ma rec­on­ciles souls and thinks about oth­er­ness, with 16 coun­tries rep­re­sent­ed. It’s no coin­ci­dence that 7 of the 55 projects in the line-up are sup­port­ed by our Region and the Char­ente depart­ment, because the Car­toon Val­ley in New Aquitaine is the 2nd largest ani­mat­ed film indus­try in France, and all the authors, pro­duc­ers and stu­dios embody this dynamism! So let the wind of free­dom blow dur­ing your stay in our beau­ti­ful region.” Alain Rous­set • Pres­i­dent of the Con­seil Région­al de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Regional Policy for Cinema and Audiovisual

The Region implements a cultural policy that is collaboratively designed and co-constructed with the stakeholders in the Cinema and Audiovisual sector. Financial aid supports the diversity and distribution of creative works, as well as the development of the regional sector across the entire territory.

The Region has set up a range of incentive measures and support programs, making it one of the most dynamic regions in France. This dynamism largely relies on support schemes for creative work. With a direct aid volume of 7.4 million euros, plus 3.1 million euros in support from the six associated departments and Bordeaux Métropole, the budget allocated to these aids is the second largest after Île-de-France. In 2023, 316 projects of all types and formats (documentaries, short and feature films, etc.) were supported, from scriptwriting to post-production.

The Region has also signed an objectives and means agreement with 4 local television stations: France 3 Noa, TV7, OCtélé, and Kanaldude, totalling 3 million euros, among them 630,000 euros dedicated to creation.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine is also a prime location for film shoots, with an annual average of more than 1,000 shooting days (1026 in 2022, 1010 in 2023). These shoots generate jobs for local professionals (technicians and actors) and also have a positive impact on the tourism sector (accommodation and catering), as well as other service businesses (equipment rental, crafts, etc.).

The animation sector is particularly well-developed, mainly in Angoulême, with nearly 30 studios and 1,500 jobs.

All of this policy is implemented with the support of the ALCA (Book, Cinema and Audiovisual Agency), to which the Region has specifically entrusted the mission of supporting industry stakeholders and managing the evaluation of applications for the regional support fund.

Région Nou­velle-Aquitaine - Car­toon Movie 2025

Projects supported by Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine at Cartoon Movie 2025

Absolute Sur­ren­der

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Sun Crea­ture France (France) / Bright­star (UK)

All the Soft­ness in the World

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Valseurs (France)


➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Miyu Pro­duc­tions (France)

If I Die

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par MIDRAL­GAR (France)

➤ Co-pro­duced by / copro­duit par Esther Vital (Spain) / O Par (Brazil)

The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Con­tes Mod­ernes (France)

Trea­sure Island

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Je Suis Bien Con­tent (France)

Projects with authors or co-authors from the region at Cartoon Movie 2025

The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Con­tes Mod­ernes (France)

➤ Authors are Alpha Kaba & Christophe Erbes

Trea­sure Island

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Je Suis Bien Con­tent (France)

➤ Author is Vin­cent Paronnaud

Project supported by the Department Charente at Cartoon Movie 2025

The Dreamed Jour­ney of Alpha Two

➤ Pro­duced by / pro­duit par Les Con­tes Mod­ernes (France)

Meet their team at Car­toon Movie 2025!

Agnès Parat­te

Man­ag­er - Cin­e­ma and Audio­vi­su­al Sup­port Fund
Région Nou­velle-Aquitaine

Ingrid Florin Muller

Ani­ma­tion Funds Manager
ALCA Nou­velle-Aquitaine