
CartoonNext is both a seminar and a pitching event dedicated to the new opportunities created by technological innovations, new modes of content consumption and new audiovisual formats.

A formula to touch both on innovation & creativity

Keynotes from renowned experts from various domains will start the discussion thanks to case studies, in-depth analysis and contradictory debates on innovative subjects. It will allow professionals to keep abreast of developments in the animation sector.

Pitching sessions are the opportunity for producers to develop existing projects or still in concept towards IPs that are multiplatform, and for participants to learn along.

The European dimension

The panel of speakers as well as the selection of pitched projects will come from a wide range of European countries.

Who attends CartoonNext?

Inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als from the ani­ma­tion industry and their related fields:

  • Dis­trib­u­tors & sales agents, investors, broad­cast­ers, streamers, game com­pa­nies, video edi­tors, book publishers, …
  • Pro­duc­ers, authors, direc­tors, stu­dios, press…


  • Update your knowledge on new trends and innovative topics
  • Pitch your project and multiplatform strategy
  • Meet up with high-level animation professionals

Key Figures

  • 250 participants from 20 countries
  • +/- 30 international speakers
  • 12-14 keynotes, panels & case studies
  • 8 pitching sessions