Pro­gramme 2025

Dis­cov­er the keynotes, case stud­ies & panels

Learn more about the programme

Wednes­day 23 April

Arrival - One-to-One meet­ings - Lunch - Wel­come Words - Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies - Wel­come Dinner

One-to-one Meet­ings

  • Upon reg­is­tra­tion


Wel­come Words

Focus Region

Keynotes, pan­els & case studies

Wel­come Dinner

  • Wel­come Din­ner at Le République in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Toon Factory. 

Thurs­day 24 April

Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies & Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Free evening

Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies and Pitch­ing Sessions

Screen­ing of the short film Good­bye My World” (Flo­ri­an Mau­rice, Astrid Novais & Bap­tiste Duchamps - MoPA)

Extra Time & Lunch

Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies and Pitch­ing Sessions

Free evening

Fri­day 25 April

Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies & Pitch­ing Ses­sions - Farewell Cocktail

Keynotes, pan­els & case stud­ies and Pitch­ing Sessions

Extra time & Lunch

Keynotes, pan­els & case studies

Screen­ing of the short film Windy Day” (Elise Gol­fouse, Hugo Taillez & Camille Trud­ing - Ecole des Nou­velles Images)

Grand Finale, Announce­ment of the Mini-Pitch Win­ner & Clos­ing words

Farewell Cock­tail