Involving young talents from Région Sud to train the new generation.
Each year, we invite around 50 students from animation schools of Région Sud to participate in the Coaching Programme during CartoonNext. Being still a student, the animation industry can seem intimidating to approach, so it is important to give these young people the keys to understand how it works, to open up new perspectives for them: “Yes, it is possible to start a project, even if you are a complete beginner”. It is crucial to inspire them to follow the path other creators have successfully followed before them.
That’s the reason why the Coaching Programme is organised around presentations where students can listen to young or experienced producers telling the story of the genesis of their very first projects, the launch of their production company or their specific experience in this or that area.
The students then have access to all the keynotes and project pitches at CartoonNext, providing them with tools to understand the industry and its workings, as well as a glimpse into the future of animation.
During the Coaching Programme, CARTOON organises a Portfolio Review on the first morning of the event. In this initiative, students from the region meet professionals from various fields and techniques (3D, stop motion, 2D, etc.) to receive feedback on their portfolios, which are their main tool after graduation. In two 1-hour meetings, they have the opportunity to present their work to two professionals, and ask questions to receive useful and concrete advice.
During the Coaching Programme, CARTOON organises a mini-pitch workshop in which up to six selected projects are pitched to a panel of regional experts. This panel provides feedback and advice to help students improve their projects. This valuable exercise prepares students for their future professional careers, where they will be required to pitch their projects to producers and other partners. This year's selected projects are:
- Forget me Not (Ecole de Condé)
- Le Lien de la Rouille (Ecole de Condé)
- Marciss (Ecole Marie Curie)
- Mon Corps est en Vie (Ecole MoPA)
- Sormiou (Ecole MoPA)
- Sors de ta Tête (Ecole Marie Curie)
The following prizes will be awarded to the best pitched projects:
• The Région Sud offers a professional accreditation for MIFA - Marché international du film d'animation d'Annecy;
• The Do Not Disturb residency, located in Arles, offers a one-month stay dedicated to writing animated projects;
• CARTOON offers an accreditation to participate as an observer at Cartoon Springboard (a pitching event for young talents, from October 28 to 30, 2025, in Madrid).
The winners' announcement is made on the last day of CartoonNext in front of all participants.
The Coaching Programme is designed to be the starting point for new talents in animation. It is naturally extended with Cartoon Springboard. This event was created especially for young talents with a first project. When pitching at Cartoon Springboard, they will get advice from professionals (producers, distributors, broadcasters, streamers and publishers) allowing them to readjust their project towards a direction more in line with the market, find a producer, and then set off for other events such as CartoonNext, Cartoon Movie, or Cartoon Forum! -- à mettre à la fin après les prix du mini-pitch??
Tuesday 22 April - Friday 25 April
Tuesday 22 April
- Opening and presentation of CartoonNext
By Agnès Bizzaro, Coaching Programme Tutor
- Presentation of the schools (one-minute film or oral presentation)
- What are your expectations?
- How to make a good pitch? - NEXT GENERATION: “First steps into the world of animation and early successes“
By TBC - Presentation of SudAnim
By TBC - Presentation of the Do Not Disturb Writing Residency
By TBC - “What regional support is available for young talents?“
By TBC - Case Study TBC
- Q&A
Wednesday 23 April
- Portfolio review
- Access to sessions and pitches of the event
Thursday 24 April
- Access to sessions and pitches of the event
Friday 25 April
- Access to sessions and pitches of the event
- Mini-pitch workshop