"Battle of the Bands" is an action-comedy animated series for kids aged 10-12. With 22' episodes, it merges the excitement of rock music with adventure, exploring coming of age themes of rebellion and self expression. Set in Boom Town, where free music is banned by the authoritarian company MAD (Music Assembly & Distribution), the story follows Roary, a 13-year-old girl determined to become a rock star who discovers The Deafeater, a legendary guitar linked to a catastrophic event that led to the ban on free music. With her new band, Roary aspires to win the Battle of the Bands, an underground music competition that defies MAD’s prohibition, to become the greatest of all the genuine musicians that keep playing in Boom Town. "Battle of the Bands" celebrates the power of music as a transformative force, especially in the face of oppression. It is a show that sparks creativity and celebrates diversity but also an epic series full of thrilling battles, awesome tunes and cool characters.