Your chair­per­son

Presenting a new project in front of a large audience isn’t an easy task!

In order to help the talents, CARTOON has decided to assign to each of them a neutral, experienced animation consultant acting as a moderator.


It is impor­tant to con­tact your chair­per­son BEFORE the event so they can help you pre­pare your pre­sen­ta­tion in the best way.

He/​she will give you tips for a good pitch­ing ses­sion and give you feed­back on your presentation.


Your chair­per­son will also assist you dur­ing the pitch­ing ses­sion itself. Their neu­tral posi­tion allows them to intro­duce in a pos­i­tive way the team as well as the devel­oped project and to deal with poten­tial ques­tions from the public.

It is the role of the talents how­ev­er to defend their project.