
Who can present a project?

  • Young talents who are currently student or have graduated from animation/audiovisual schools for a maximum of 5 years (graduation date in Summer 2020 or after).
  • European young talents (meeting the criteria above) who want to develop and test their new animation project or property for the international market and/or to be distributed on several screens.
  • Flu­en­cy in Eng­lish is required to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er par­tic­i­pants and the pitch must be in Eng­lish, as there will be no trans­la­tion on site.


  • The talent must come from or have studied in one of the countries of Cre­ative Europe — MEDIA: the 27 EU coun­tries + Alba­nia, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, Georgia, Ice­land, Liecht­en­stein, Mon­tene­gro, North Mace­do­nia, Nor­way, Repub­lic of Ser­bia, Tunisia or Ukraine.
    ​“List of non-EU Par­tic­i­pat­ing Coun­tries in the Cre­ative Europe Pro­gramme” (pdf)
  • Attention: since the Brexit, the UK is not part of the eligible countries. Projects submitted by UK-based talents are not eligible.

Which project can be submitted?

  • a TV Special (minimum 26 minutes)
  • a TV or Web series
  • a feature film (minimum 60 minutes)
  • an animated project dedicated to multi-platforms
  • short films are NOT accepted

Artificial Intelligence Usage Policy

At CARTOON, we reaffirm our commitment to transparency and responsibility in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Our fundamental principles are artistic integrity, the appreciation of human creativity, and transparency. We require project representatives to declare the use of AI and specify the areas it applies to, ensuring a clear understanding of the works presented and strengthening trust between creators, partners, and audiences. For further details, please refer to our AI Usage Policy.


Every information fulfilled in the form must be correct and comply with the rules explained above and the law (copyrights, etc). We reserve the right to ban from our events anyone who does not respect these rules.